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Convert PNG sequence to animated WebP

Posted: 2017-01-22T11:48:39-07:00
by Artman
Hello! I read latest forum posts and see post about webp.
and now have a question: it possible convert PNG sequence to animated WebP?
I try

Code: Select all

magick 1.png 2.png 1.webp

Code: Select all

magick 1.png 2.png -quality 50 -define webp:method=6 wizard.webp
but no success. say me please how to make it work.

Re: Convert PNG sequence to animated WebP

Posted: 2017-01-22T11:52:49-07:00
by fmw42
I know nothing about webp. I can only point you to

I do not know if IM supports awebp format. So you may need other tools.


Re: Convert PNG sequence to animated WebP

Posted: 2017-01-23T14:28:39-07:00
by Artman
thank you.
ps: i find that webpmux.exe do that i want.