I've been trying to get my MagickWand Examples in C up to date. Most of the examples work fine (in V6.9.7) but a couple related to transparency give oddball results.
Fortunately, I can demonstrate the problem with the command line.
This command should change all the white pixels to be transparent, including those in the Wizard's beard.
Code: Select all
imconvert logo: -alpha set -channel RGBA -fuzz 1% -fill none -transparent white logo_transp.png
It works with 6.4.2 Q8 (on win7 x64) but with 6.9.7 Q16 and 7.0.5 Q16 (both on Win10 x64) it does not change the white pixels. I tried a few other variations of the command to see if I could get the alpha channel to show up but to no avail. The two obvious differences are that 6.4.2 is a much earlier version than the others and also it is Q8. I haven't got an early Q16 version that I can try.
However, if I just change the output filename such that it writes a GIF or TIFF, both formats work with V6.9.7 and V7.0.5 which leads me to suspect that the problem lies in the PNG coder.