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Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-19T04:35:09-07:00
by rpatelob
Code: Select all
convert ./one.mpc ./two.mpc ./three.mpc -channel rgba -alpha on -virtual-pixel background -background none -define compose:args=6000x254.91 -compose displace -composite ./one.mpc
What I understood is it takes three images and apply all the effects on all three images and finally merge into one.
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-19T04:56:16-07:00
by snibgo
Yes, that's correct. Do you have a question?
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-19T05:19:23-07:00
by rpatelob
snibgo wrote: ↑2017-04-19T04:56:16-07:00
Yes, that's correct. Do you have a question?
Is it equal to these set of commands?
Code: Select all
convert one.png -channel rgba -alpha on -virtual-pixel background -background none -define compose:args=6000x254.91 oneM.png
convert two.png -channel rgba -alpha on -virtual-pixel background -background none -define compose:args=6000x254.91 twoM.png
convert three.png -channel rgba -alpha on -virtual-pixel background -background none -define compose:args=6000x254.91 threeM.png
convert oneM.png twoM.png -compose displace -composite oneC1.png
convert oneC1.png threeM.png -compose displace -composite oneC2.png
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-19T05:45:43-07:00
by snibgo
No, it's not the same. PNG files don't record "-virtual-pixel background" etc. So these settings have no effect in the multiple commands.
rpatelob wrote:convert oneM.png twoM.png -compose displace -composite oneC1.png
This will displace pixels by amounts defined in the second image (which is a
relative displacement map). But you need "-define compose:args={stuff}"
When you have three inputs to "-composite", the third input image is a mask for the composite. I've never done masked displacements (I simply modify the map), and I'm not sure result I would want, or what the result should be, or what it actually is.
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-19T06:07:49-07:00
by rpatelob
Yes, because when I ran below command I got the result but with individuals not.
Code: Select all
convert oneM.png twoM.png threeM.png -compose displace -composite oneC1.png
Actually I'm trying to achieve same result with MagickWand C API. But I don't know how to merge three images together with composite.
Here is the MagickWand Composite ... ositeImage
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-19T06:15:58-07:00
by snibgo
If you have an image that you want to displace by a map, and then displace the result by a second map, then you can do exactly that. Call MagickCompositeImage() twice.
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-19T06:24:02-07:00
by rpatelob
rpatelob wrote: ↑2017-04-19T04:35:09-07:00
Code: Select all
convert ./one.mpc ./two.mpc ./three.mpc -channel rgba -alpha on -virtual-pixel background -background none -define compose:args=6000x254.91 -compose displace -composite ./one.mpc
For above commands I wrote C code like this.
Code: Select all
MagickSetImageAlphaChannel(wand, RGBChannels);
MagickSetImageVirtualPixelMethod(wand, BackgroundVirtualPixelMethod);
MagickSetImageBackgroundColor(wand, PW1);
char cmpArgs[50];
MagickSetImageArtifact(wand, "compose:args", cmpArgs);
MagickSetImageAlphaChannel(wand2, RGBChannels);
MagickSetImageVirtualPixelMethod(wand2, BackgroundVirtualPixelMethod);
MagickSetImageBackgroundColor(wand2, PW1);
MagickSetImageArtifact(wand2, "compose:args", cmpArgs);
MagickSetImageAlphaChannel(wand3, RGBChannels);
MagickSetImageVirtualPixelMethod(wand3, BackgroundVirtualPixelMethod);
MagickSetImageBackgroundColor(wand3, PW1);
MagickSetImageArtifact(wand3, "compose:args", cmpArgs);
MagickCompositeImage(wand, wand2, DisplaceCompositeOp,MagickFalse, 0, 0);
MagickCompositeImage(wand, wand3, DisplaceCompositeOp,MagickFalse, 0, 0);
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-19T07:14:48-07:00
by snibgo
Your C code doesn't match your command. The command is a masked composite, and I don't think you want that.
I suggest you find what command does what you want. Do that first. Then, implement it in C code.
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-20T00:17:22-07:00
by rpatelob
These are my images. If I simply run
Code: Select all
convert one.png two.png three.png -compose displace -composite cylinderCMD.png
command, I get the similar output image that I want. For full working C code, please check ... nds-into-c this link. It should be work with below code but may be I missed something on it.
Code: Select all
MagickCompositeImage(wand, wand2, DisplaceCompositeOp,MagickFalse, 0, 0);
MagickCompositeImage(wand, wand3, DisplaceCompositeOp,MagickFalse, 0, 0);
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-20T01:44:29-07:00
by snibgo
Above, I said that when a composite has three inputs images, the third is a mask.
I had forgotten that this is not true for displace or distort composites. For these, the second image is the x-displacement, and the third image is the y-displacement. So there are two (grayscale) distortion maps, not one (colour) distortion map and a mask. See and the code in wand\composite.c CompositeImageCommand().
To replicate this action in C code, clone the first grayscale map, and replace the green channel with the second grayscale map. Then call MagickCompositeImage() with this colour map.
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-20T03:58:54-07:00
by rpatelob
snibgo wrote: ↑2017-04-20T01:44:29-07:00
Above, I said that when a composite has three inputs images, the third is a mask.
I had forgotten that this is not true for displace or distort composites. For these, the second image is the x-displacement, and the third image is the y-displacement. So there are two (grayscale) distortion maps, not one (colour) distortion map and a mask. See and the code in wand\composite.c CompositeImageCommand().
To replicate this action in C code, clone the first grayscale map, and replace the green channel with the second grayscale map. Then call MagickCompositeImage() with this colour map.
I'm a newbie in ImageMagick, I did not understand what you said. Could you please provide me one example in C?
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-20T04:25:15-07:00
by snibgo
See wand\composite.c, function CompositeImageCommand().
Re: Anyone please explain me below command.
Posted: 2017-04-25T05:47:42-07:00
by rpatelob
Got the sollution. I just need to merge two.png and three.png images together and apply displace composite with one.png. below is the alternative command for this. Finally I converted it to C and it worked.
Code: Select all
convert two.png three.png +clone -combine displaceMask.png
convert one.png displaceMask.png -compose displace -composite final.png