Overlaid Watermark larger than overlaying image
Posted: 2017-05-02T02:39:57-07:00
i have a question related to the image composition.
I have a watermark.jpg with dimension 1649 × 100 pixels.
First I reduce it to 50%, so the new dimensions are 824 x 50 pixels; then I use it as watermark for other images.
There are two cases:
(i) An image A with width's dimension greater than 824:
there is no problem, the watermark is enterely displayed.
(ii) An image B with width's dimension lower than 824.
In this case I have a problem: the watermark is truncated.
Otherwise the image B should be enlarged (in width direction) in order to display the watermark.
Is possibile to achieve this goal? I try with some combinations of resize, but I can't be able ...
My command is like that:
convert image_A.jpg -resize 1181x1181\
\( watermark.png -resize 50%x50% \) -gravity South -geometry +0+80 -composite\
Thank you in advance,
i have a question related to the image composition.
I have a watermark.jpg with dimension 1649 × 100 pixels.
First I reduce it to 50%, so the new dimensions are 824 x 50 pixels; then I use it as watermark for other images.
There are two cases:
(i) An image A with width's dimension greater than 824:
there is no problem, the watermark is enterely displayed.
(ii) An image B with width's dimension lower than 824.
In this case I have a problem: the watermark is truncated.
Otherwise the image B should be enlarged (in width direction) in order to display the watermark.
Is possibile to achieve this goal? I try with some combinations of resize, but I can't be able ...
My command is like that:
convert image_A.jpg -resize 1181x1181\
\( watermark.png -resize 50%x50% \) -gravity South -geometry +0+80 -composite\
Thank you in advance,