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Expensive resizing to multiple output files

Posted: 2017-06-08T07:57:00-07:00
by yosh
Hello, I'm looking for less expensive way to resize one image to multiple output files.

Let's say I have one input JPEG image (i.e. 3500 x 2500 px, around 3MB). Is there a way to read this file once and resize it to multiple output formats, without reading the source file again? Currently I'm doing something like this:

Code: Select all

my $img = Image::Magick->new;
foreach my $outputfile(@outfiles) {
  $img->Scale(geometry => "${scale}x${scale}");
  @$img = ();
undef $img;
The problem is with Read() which takes around 0.5 second (which is fast, but with 10 output formats reading alone takes 5 seconds).

If I put Read() outside loop then I do operations on the same picture. It's fast, but each scaling is using already scaled image. It causes problems when 1 format is very small and the next one is larger. I believe there has to be a way to always reach for source image without using the expensive Read() every time.

Thanks in advance for any hints or suggestions.


Re: Expensive resizing to multiple output files

Posted: 2017-06-08T08:10:19-07:00
by yosh
Ok, actually just after I wrote this I've found the Clone() method and changed the scaling to:

Code: Select all

my $img = Image::Magick->new;
foreach my $outputfile(@outfiles) {
  my $temp = $img->Clone();
  $temp->Scale(geometry => "${scale}x${scale}");
  undef $temp;
undef $img;
I'll leave this here in case it helps someone. Perhaps there is a better way?

Re: Expensive resizing to multiple output files

Posted: 2017-06-08T08:12:10-07:00
by snibgo
You found the answer before I had time to post it. It is the obvious solution.


The answer is to read once, before the loop. Inside the loop, clone the image and operate on that.

For cloning in perl, see ... cellaneous

Re: Expensive resizing to multiple output files

Posted: 2018-02-06T06:54:31-07:00
by 100find
Several years ago, I met the same problem, and my solution is reading the image file into Mem and use Blob model to load the image from mem several times .
The Clone method is very smart.