Heap size larger than expected
Posted: 2017-11-24T16:23:42-07:00
I have the following 2.3905GB grayscale file.
a simple rotate 90 results seems to require 8.9G?
Is this because IM allocates room for three channels? A color file with the same number of pixels using the same heap size.
If so Is there any parameters to reduce the heap size if only one channel is in use?
Code: Select all
$ identify n10_757_a_full4800_exp1_001.tif
n10_757_a_full4800_exp1_001.tif TIFF 27360x43680 27360x43680+0+0 16-bit Grayscale Gray 2.3905GB 0.010u 0:00.000
Code: Select all
convert -define registry:temporary-path=. -debug cache n10_757_a_full4800_exp1_001.tif -rotate 90 test.tif
2017-11-24T22:19:43+00:00 0:00.000 0.000u 6.9.7 Cache convert-im6.q16[16740]: cache.c/DestroyPixelCache/1123/Cache
2017-11-24T22:19:43+00:00 0:00.000 0.000u 6.9.7 Cache convert-im6.q16[16740]: cache.c/DestroyPixelCache/1123/Cache
2017-11-24T22:19:43+00:00 0:00.000 0.000u 6.9.7 Cache convert-im6.q16[16740]: cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3873/Cache
open n10_757_a_full4800_exp1_001.tif[0] (Heap Memory, 27360x43680 8.9041GiB)
2017-11-24T22:19:48+00:00 0:04.550 4.440u 6.9.7 Cache convert-im6.q16[16740]: cache.c/SetPixelCacheExtent/3737/Cache
extend n10_757_a_full4800_exp1_001.tif[0] (./magick-167400e1kgOGdG18u[3], disk, 9.5607GB)
2017-11-24T22:19:48+00:00 0:04.550 4.440u 6.9.7 Cache convert-im6.q16[16740]: cache.c/OpenPixelCache/4022/Cache
open n10_757_a_full4800_exp1_001.tif[0] (./magick-167400e1kgOGdG18u[-1], Map, 43680x27360 8.9041GiB)
2017-11-24T22:20:40+00:00 0:56.410 25.240u 6.9.7 Cache convert-im6.q16[16740]: cache.c/DestroyPixelCache/1123/Cache
destroy n10_757_a_full4800_exp1_001.tif[0]
2017-11-24T22:21:13+00:00 1:30.070 41.670u 6.9.7 Cache convert-im6.q16[16740]: cache.c/DestroyPixelCache/1123/Cache
destroy n10_757_a_full4800_exp1_001.tif[0]
If so Is there any parameters to reduce the heap size if only one channel is in use?