the -size and -resize options are ignored if the output is a fax filetype
Posted: 2018-02-13T12:09:48-07:00
The source file has geometry 2592x1944+0+0
Imagemagic does the wrong thing when I omit the "-size" parameter. It should produce a fax-conforming file, which means one of 3 possible geometries. Instead it creates a file with geometry 2592x2592+0+0. So in the example above I micro-managed it, and tried to force a proper geometry. The parameter was ignored. The "-resize" option also fails to have effect:
Code: Select all
$ convert color_source.jpg -threshold 30% -rotate 90 -size 1734x2156 output.fax
$ identify -verbose output.fax | grep geom
Page geometry: 2592x2592+0+0
Code: Select all
$ convert source.jpg -threshold 30% -rotate 90 -resize 1734 output.fax
$ identify -verbose output.fax | grep geom
Page geometry: 2592x2312+0+0