how can i draw a pie chart
Posted: 2018-02-15T06:10:03-07:00
I'm trying to create a pie chart, but I don't understand 2 parameters of the sintaxe.
For exemple:
convert -size 280x280 xc:yellow -stroke black -fill blue -draw "path 'M 120,140 L 120.00,40.00 A 100,100 0 0,1 220,140 Z'" c:\temp\pie.jpg
After de parameter A 100,100 has a 0 and 0,1 ( A 100,100 0 0,1 ....)
If I use like this, it don't works:
convert -size 280x280 xc:yellow -stroke black -fill blue -draw "path 'M 120,140 L 120.00,40.00 A 100,100 0 0,1 20,140 Z'" c:\temp\pie.jpg
I have to change the 0,1 to 1,1.
I don't know to determinate wich number it have to be.
Could someone help me?
Marcelo Motta
I'm trying to create a pie chart, but I don't understand 2 parameters of the sintaxe.
For exemple:
convert -size 280x280 xc:yellow -stroke black -fill blue -draw "path 'M 120,140 L 120.00,40.00 A 100,100 0 0,1 220,140 Z'" c:\temp\pie.jpg
After de parameter A 100,100 has a 0 and 0,1 ( A 100,100 0 0,1 ....)
If I use like this, it don't works:
convert -size 280x280 xc:yellow -stroke black -fill blue -draw "path 'M 120,140 L 120.00,40.00 A 100,100 0 0,1 20,140 Z'" c:\temp\pie.jpg
I have to change the 0,1 to 1,1.
I don't know to determinate wich number it have to be.
Could someone help me?
Marcelo Motta