is this png background transparent?
Posted: 2018-04-21T11:18:33-07:00
I need a png known to have transparent background. I built one starting from a pdf from powerpoint with
transparent background, magicked to png, checked this way following instructions elsewhere in this forum.
$ magick identify -verbose die12t.png | grep "Alpha"
Base type: TrueColorAlpha
Alpha: 8-bit
Alpha: graya(0,0) #00000000
png:IHDR.color_type: 4 (GrayAlpha)
I'd like confirmation that I'm OK. If not, what else should I do?
$ magick -version
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.5-1 Q16 x64 2017-03-04
transparent background, magicked to png, checked this way following instructions elsewhere in this forum.
$ magick identify -verbose die12t.png | grep "Alpha"
Base type: TrueColorAlpha
Alpha: 8-bit
Alpha: graya(0,0) #00000000
png:IHDR.color_type: 4 (GrayAlpha)
I'd like confirmation that I'm OK. If not, what else should I do?
$ magick -version
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.5-1 Q16 x64 2017-03-04