so, I have used imagemagick many times to split Tilemaps into individual Tiles and many more things, however now I have finally hit a Roadblocker that I have trouble overcoming.
I am using a Chat tool (Hipchat), where you can add you own emotes, however they are very small. Thus I have created some split images that I then stitch back together to create bigger emotes.
For that I obviously used the following command:
Code: Select all
convert -crop 32x32 source.jpg folder\tile%d.jpg
Is there a way to split the gif into tiles, but keeping the animation for each tile?
I also tried following the directions from this Forum entry viewtopic.php?t=10027
Code: Select all
convert -crop 50%x50% source.gif +repage folder\tiles%d.gif
Code: Select all
mogrify +repage tiles*
Does anyone know how to go about this?