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Paid Consulting

Posted: 2018-07-27T15:30:52-07:00
by singhamr97
Need to validate an approach for using imagemagick convert utility to batch convert PDF documents to tiff format. We have large vendor invoices some can be 80-100 pages. We need to convert them to tiff format and create an index file so all the images can be loaded via import agent into our content management system. Our daily volume can be 50-70 documents that are sent to shared mailboxes . Trying to validate if using c# program, downloading pdf files and converting them using convert utility is a valid approach or do we better/more robust packaged solutions available in the market. Paid consulting opportunity through a big company.

Re: Paid Consulting

Posted: 2018-07-27T15:46:56-07:00
by fmw42
FYI, ImageMagick will try to load all 80-100 pages of your PDF at one time and then save them as a multipage TIFF. You would need enough RAM to hold all the pages of the PDF (when rasterized) and the equivalent amount of space for the output. First thing is to check if you have enough RAM. ImageMagick would need to be configured to allow use of all your RAM. If you install ImageMagick, then you should check the default limits using

convert -list resource

and if needed, adjust them in your policy.xml file.

On my dual core Mac with 8GB RAM, I have

Code: Select all

Resource limits:
  Width: 214.7MP
  Height: 214.7MP
  List length: 18.446744EP
  Area: 17.18GP
  Memory: 8GiB
  Map: 16GiB
  Disk: unlimited
  File: 192
  Thread: 4
  Throttle: 0
  Time: unlimited
You have not said what your platform is? Windows or Linux or Mac? Is this your own computer or on a shared host environment? What is the file size of a typical PDF (dpi and dimensions in inches if you do not have a file size) and how much RAM do you have?

Re: Paid Consulting

Posted: 2018-07-27T15:58:03-07:00
by singhamr97
It’s a windows 2012 server. Can you call me @ 718-810-7171.

Re: Paid Consulting

Posted: 2018-07-27T16:13:10-07:00
by fmw42
Is that a US telephone number. If not, then I cannot call. But you have not answered my questions about PDF file size and your RAM amount.

Unfortunately, I am not a Windows user. So I cannot test on that platform. I use a Mac, which likely does not have enough RAM for your needs.

Re: Paid Consulting

Posted: 2018-07-27T16:19:27-07:00
by singhamr97
Ya it’s a US # I will check the pdf file size it varies most of the docs are couple of pages but we have few large documents. We have installed imagemagick on windows server since there r lot of other processes running on the machine not sure if it’s getting enough resources.

Re: Paid Consulting

Posted: 2018-07-27T16:24:09-07:00
by fmw42

Code: Select all

convert -list resource
and report back with your RAM amounts. Also post the size information about your largest or 80-100 pages PDF file. So we can do some computations.

To get the file information, do

Code: Select all

identify -verbose image.pdf
Then look at the start of the information about geometry, resolution and print size and units and near the bottom about file size, such as

Code: Select all

Image: logo.pdf
  Format: PDF (Portable Document Format)
  Mime type: application/pdf
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 640x480+0+0
  Resolution: 72x72
  Print size: 8.88889x6.66667
  Units: pixelsperinch
  Filesize: 75115B
If the units are unspecified, one can only assume it is pixelsperinch and the print size is in inches.

Re: Paid Consulting

Posted: 2018-07-27T16:33:50-07:00
by snibgo
I posted this on your other thread. Please don't multi-post.

A PDF file might simply contain raster scans of paper documents, or it might contain vector data such as text and diagrams, or some combination.

If they are simply scans, I suggest pdfimages is a more suitable tool. But for rasterizing vector data, ImageMagick is a good tool.

Re: Paid Consulting

Posted: 2018-07-27T16:37:27-07:00
by fmw42
Note: to rasterize PDF files, your ImageMagick will need the Ghostscript delegate installed.