Code: Select all
using (var newScreenshot = new MagickImage(newScreenshotPath))
var snapshotImage = TryGetBaselineImage(snapshotFilePath);
if (snapshotImage == null) return false;
using (snapshotImage)
var result = newScreenshot.Equals(snapshotImage);
if (result) return true;
using (var diffImage = new MagickImage())
newScreenshot.Compare(snapshotImage, ErrorMetric.Absolute, diffImage);
//I also tried fuzz(10) but with no luck
return false;
- newScreenshot file:
- snapshotImage file:
- diffImage file:
My problem:
As we can see, at the bottom of diffImage:
Those text wordings get a lot of noise and recognized as different.
But from newScreenshot image and snapshotImage image, we can see that those wordings styles are just the same from a person's viewpoint:
Wondering is there a way to pre-process 2 images or change a way of comparison, that can get a result of SAME?
Thank you very much !!!