Why Is File size SO Much Larger ?
Posted: 2018-09-03T13:36:24-07:00
When I use var image = new MagickImage(MagickColors.Red, 1000, 1000); the final output file size is 64K but when I use a real image .JPG file of 147K the resulting file is the size of 1.55 MB even after I compress it.
Why is the resulting .PNG file so much larger than the original using the code below?
Why is the resulting .PNG file so much larger than the original using the code below?
Code: Select all
private void TextOnImage()
var image = new MagickImage(@"D:\Webs\mydomain.com\images\419608890268243889.jpg"); // 147K on size
// var image = new MagickImage(MagickColors.Red, 1000, 1000);
MagickImage imageresult;
MagickImage modimage;
using (var images = new MagickImageCollection())
int widthOfImage = GetProperFontSize(image);
var topheaderSnippetreadSettings = new MagickReadSettings()
BackgroundColor = MagickColors.LightBlue,
FontFamily = "Showcard Gothic",
Width = image.Width - 190,
//FontPointsize = widthOfImage,
FillColor = MagickColors.Black,
FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold
var headerSnippetreadSettings = new MagickReadSettings()
BackgroundColor = MagickColors.LightBlue,
FontFamily = "Showcard Gothic",
Width = image.Width - 60, // was 60
//FontPointsize = widthOfImage,
FillColor = MagickColors.Black,
FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold
// This will make the background of the label Khaki.
var readSettings = new MagickReadSettings()
BackgroundColor = MagickColors.LightBlue,
FontFamily = "Helvetica-Condensed-Light", // -font Helvetica-Condensed-Light
FontPointsize = widthOfImage, // -pointsize 26
FillColor = MagickColors.Black,
FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold
// Create the label image.
var branding = new MagickImage("label:MyDomain.com", readSettings);
// Create the label image.
var topheading = new MagickImage("label:Great Kitchen Decor Ideas", topheaderSnippetreadSettings);
// var topheading = new MagickImage("label:Our Site Is Full of Great Cooking Tips", topheaderSnippetreadSettings);
// Create the label image.
var bottomheading = new MagickImage("label:Great Cooking Tips From Our Kitchen to Your Table", headerSnippetreadSettings);
branding.Extent(image.Width, 50, Gravity.Center);
topheading.Extent(image.Width, 50, Gravity.Center);
bottomheading.Extent(image.Width, 50, Gravity.Center);
// add the images to the collection
// Append the images to create the output image.
using (var result = images.AppendVertically())
imageresult = new MagickImage(result);
// imageresult gets disposed of in the rounding code below, so need to write the imageresult to a new image
modimage = new MagickImage(imageresult);
using (imageresult)
using (var mask = new MagickImage(MagickColors.White, imageresult.Width, imageresult.Height))
var size = 150;
new ImageMagick.Drawables()
.Polygon(new PointD(0, 0), new PointD(0, size), new PointD(size, 0))
.Polygon(new PointD(mask.Width, 0), new PointD(mask.Width, size), new PointD(mask.Width - size, 0))
.Polygon(new PointD(0, mask.Height), new PointD(0, mask.Height - size), new PointD(size, mask.Height))
.Polygon(new PointD(mask.Width, mask.Height), new PointD(mask.Width, mask.Height - size), new PointD(mask.Width - size, mask.Height))
.Circle(size, size, size, 0)
.Circle(mask.Width - size, size, mask.Width - size, 0)
.Circle(size, mask.Height - size, 0, mask.Height - size)
.Circle(mask.Width - size, mask.Height - size, mask.Width - size, mask.Height)
// .BorderColor(MagickColors.Red)
// This copies the pixels that were already transparent on the mask.
using (var imageAlpha = imageresult.Clone())
imageAlpha.Opaque(MagickColors.White, MagickColors.None);
mask.Composite(imageAlpha, CompositeOperator.Over);
mask.HasAlpha = false;
imageresult.HasAlpha = false;
imageresult.Composite(mask, CompositeOperator.CopyAlpha);
// imageresult gets disposed of so need to write the imageresult to a new image
modimage = new MagickImage(imageresult);
pinImagePB.Image = modimage.ToBitmap();
// resize the image to fit the PictureBox size
pinImagePB.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
FileInfo imageMod = new FileInfo(@"D:\TestImage.png");
ImageOptimizer optimizer = new ImageOptimizer();
optimizer.OptimalCompression = true;
// optimizer.LosslessCompress(imageMod);
catch (Exception e)