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Create tiles like deepzoom/tile format, 256x256 sized

Posted: 2018-11-01T04:42:29-07:00
by darkside
I have a huge TIF file (12000x58000 px). I am needing to convert it to a deepzoom/tile format, 256x256 sized tiles. Is this possible using Magick.NET?

Re: Create tiles like deepzoom/tile format, 256x256 sized

Posted: 2018-11-01T08:46:13-07:00
by fmw42
ImageMagick supports tiled pyramid TIFF. See defines for TIFF at

Re: Create tiles like deepzoom/tile format, 256x256 sized

Posted: 2018-11-02T00:03:46-07:00
by darkside
I found this : Read all the jpg images from the directory, convert them to 256x256 tiles, compress jpeg and create the pyramid tif in another directory

for %%f in (c:\image\jpg\*.jpg) do ( convert "%%f" -define tiff:tile-geometry=256x256 -compress jpeg ptif:c:\image\ptif\%%~nf.tif )

I need to convert this code for Magick.NET but I can't convert. How can I use it for Magick.NET?