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Convert BPG from PNG

Posted: 2018-11-07T18:24:32-07:00
by dem123456789
I am a new user of ImageMagick. I download and install the newest version ImageMagick-7.0.8-14-Q16-x64-dll on Windows. I try to convert a png file to bpg file.
The png file is 199KB but the converted bpg file is 255KB. No matter what quality I set, the size is huge and PSNR is Inf(seems lossless).
The command I use is
convert mountain.png -quality 10 test.bpg
I do use imdisplay to show the test.bpg. It looks OK and I measure the PSNR which is Inf.
Where I do this wrong? I think BPG is lossy compression and should perform like JPEG right?

Re: Convert BPG from PNG

Posted: 2018-11-07T20:23:11-07:00
by fmw42
I am on a Mac and tried your command with the lena.png image, but am getting error messages with both IM and I am not sure if BPG is limited to Windows or not. The page at says nothing about OS limitations nor delegates. See this page about quality for BPG

No matter what quality I assign (10 or 92), it comes back with:

Code: Select all

magick lena.png -quality 92 lena.bpg
magick: delegate failed `'bpgenc' -b 12 -o '%o' '%i'' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1860.

Code: Select all

magick lena.png -quality 10 lena.bpg
magick: delegate failed `'bpgenc' -b 12 -o '%o' '%i'' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1860.

Looks like I would need to install the libbpg delegate.

Re: Convert BPG from PNG

Posted: 2018-11-07T20:54:28-07:00
by fmw42
OK, I installed libbpg. The lena.png image has file size of Filesize: 118327B

I ran the command

Code: Select all

magick -verbose lena.png -quality 10 lena.bpg
And the bpg file has file size 322131B. So the result is about 3 time the size of the original.

The verbose information shows the same bpg command no matter what -quality value

Code: Select all

bpgenc' -b 12 -o '/tmp/magick-26410khRDz3mnZsMF' '/tmp/magick-26410rNEMHSIvxtDw
It does not seem to be using the -q qp argument as shown at

BPG Image Encoder version 0.9.8
usage: bpgenc [options] infile.[jpg|png]

Main options:
-h show the full help (including the advanced options)
-o outfile set output filename (default = out.bpg)
-q qp set quantizer parameter (smaller gives better quality,
range: 0-51, default = 29)
-f cfmt set the preferred chroma format (420, 422, 444,
-c color_space set the preferred color space (ycbcr, rgb, ycgco,
ycbcr_bt709, ycbcr_bt2020, default=ycbcr)
-b bit_depth set the bit depth (8 to 12, default =8)
-lossless enable lossless mode
-e encoder select the HEVC encoder (jctvc, default = jctvc)
-m level select the compression level (1=fast, 9=slow, default =8)

Animation options:
-a generate animations from a sequence of images. Use %d or
%Nd (N = number of digits) in the filename to specify the
image index, starting from 0 or 1.
-fps N set the frame rate (default = 25)
-loop N set the number of times the animation is played. 0 means
infinite (default = 0)
-delayfile file text file containing one number per image giving the
display delay per image in centiseconds.

Since smaller -q gives better quality, then the largest value should give the most compression and least quality. So when I do

Code: Select all

magick lena.png -quality 51 lena.bmp
The file size is still 322131B

Sorry, I know little about bpg. But this looks like a bug in ImageMagick in not passing the -quality argument to libbpg.

Re: Convert BPG from PNG

Posted: 2018-11-07T22:37:56-07:00
by dem123456789
So what I should do now? Report issue at GitHub and use native or other BPG converter?

Re: Convert BPG from PNG

Posted: 2018-11-07T22:46:03-07:00
by fmw42
dem123456789 wrote: 2018-11-07T22:37:56-07:00 So what I should do now? Report issue at GitHub and use native or other BPG converter?
Yes, report the bug at GitHub or here on the Bug's forum.

I looked into the delegates.xml file for the bpg entry, which follows. But it is only the decode entry.

Code: Select all

  <delegate decode="bpg" command="&quot;bpgdec&quot; -b 16 -o &quot;%o.png&quot; &quot;%i&quot;; /bin/mv &quot;%o.png&quot; &quot;%o&quot;"/>
See delegates.xml at

Re: Convert BPG from PNG

Posted: 2018-11-08T16:16:04-07:00
by fmw42
I tried adding this line to the delegates.xml file, since there was only a decode and not an encode entry for bpg:

Code: Select all

 <delegate encode="bpg" command="&quot;bpgenc&quot; -b 8 -q 50 -o &quot;%o.png&quot; &quot;%i&quot;; /bin/mv &quot;%o.png&quot; &quot;%o&quot;"/>
I tried both -q 50 and -q 10, but still get the same file size as when this entry was not included.

Re: Convert BPG from PNG

Posted: 2018-11-08T18:16:16-07:00
by dem123456789
I open an issue here
I guess I need to use other implementations for now.

Re: Convert BPG from PNG

Posted: 2018-11-08T18:45:13-07:00
by fmw42
You can just use the bpgenc command itself directly without Imagemagick. I tried it and it does work. Use "bpgenc" at the terminal to get the help information.

Re: Convert BPG from PNG

Posted: 2018-11-08T20:09:54-07:00
by dem123456789
Got it Thank you.