Variable motion blur mapping?
Posted: 2018-12-24T15:22:11-07:00
Hi All,
I have read this example for the ImageMagick example pages:
convert -size 75x75 gradient:black-white blur_map_gradient.gif
convert koala.gif blur_map_gradient.gif \
-compose blur -define compose:args=3 -composite \
blur_koala_gradient.gif explained in example pages, this will make the image progressively more blurry from top of image to bottom of image.
I am curious to know if this same idea be applied using motion blur, for example using '-morphology Convolve Blur:0x4'? In other words the motion blur is progressively applied?
I am tinkering with a cool effect to make objects in the foreground move faster across the page then objects in the background.
As always any help is appreciated.
I have read this example for the ImageMagick example pages:
convert -size 75x75 gradient:black-white blur_map_gradient.gif
convert koala.gif blur_map_gradient.gif \
-compose blur -define compose:args=3 -composite \
blur_koala_gradient.gif explained in example pages, this will make the image progressively more blurry from top of image to bottom of image.
I am curious to know if this same idea be applied using motion blur, for example using '-morphology Convolve Blur:0x4'? In other words the motion blur is progressively applied?
I am tinkering with a cool effect to make objects in the foreground move faster across the page then objects in the background.
As always any help is appreciated.