PixelStorageSettings pixelStorageSettings = new PixelStorageSettings(100, 100, StorageType.Short, PixelMapping.BGR);
var colorImage = new MagickImage(myImageData, pixelStorageSettings);
The resulting colorImage says gamma is 0.4545.
How do I setup the pixel read so the image know it is gamma=1 data.
and not RGB.
I assume sRGB is RGB with standard gamma and RGB is RGB with no gamma.
Is this a bug or is the ReadSettings not intended to be used for this?
Not all read settings can/will be used when reading pixels, the Colorspace is one of them. If you want to do the same thing as "-gamma" you will need to call the GammaCorrect method of the MagickImage after you read it.
Note, ImageMagick assumes the sRGB colorspace if the image format does not indicate otherwise. For colorspace conversion, the gamma function is first removed to produce linear RGB.
If a change colorspace on my pixeldata that do not have gamme applied I assume I get a wrong colorspace conversion.