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Caption text printing with quotes

Posted: 2019-01-25T04:42:23-07:00
by almighty

I'm on a RedHat 7.5 Linux server.

The use of caption while composing an image is working well, except that I have a weird behaviour:
- caption: 'My caption text'
is printing on the image -> 'My caption text' (Note the surrounding quotes)
- caption: "My caption text"
is printing on the image -> "My caption text"
- caption: My caption text
is printing on the image -> My

(I successfully had the right behaviour with the last option by replacing all whitespaces by '\u00A0' unicode char, but with losing the caption capability of breaking string between words for multilines)

I googled this problem for hours to know if someone else had the same behaviour, with no success.

Do someone have an idea for getting rid of this unwanted resulting quotes?

Re: Caption text printing with quotes

Posted: 2019-01-25T07:38:55-07:00
by snibgo
What version of IM? What is your exact command? You seem to have a space after the colon, which would create problems.

I assume you are using bash.

"caption:" works fine for me. If your version of IM is old, try an upgrade.

Re: Caption text printing with quotes

Posted: 2019-02-05T09:54:23-07:00
by almighty
Thanks for your reply.

By command line, the problem was that the parenthesis had to be in the following format -> "(" instead of (

I already got problem executing it with java. For those who have the same problem:
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); //not working
replaced by
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(commandArray); pb.start();
with proper separation of the command parameters. Ex of the array: "convert", "-size", "120x120, etc.

This post is [SOLVED] (but I don't now how to set it properly)