Clean scan text flatbed scanner ?
Posted: 2019-03-16T14:54:18-07:00
I try to find some standards I can use to clean scanned text documents in linux is there a standard command i can use with imagemagick in a script that will do part of the work?
I've seen the following:
On the following link : ... agemagick/
But looking for inspiration - (Maybe you can't make some standards and you have to adjust from scan to scan?)
I am currently using this script to scan documents:
I've seen the following:
Code: Select all
for img in *.jpg; do mogrify -normalize -level 10%,90% -sharpen 0x1 $img; done ... agemagick/
But looking for inspiration - (Maybe you can't make some standards and you have to adjust from scan to scan?)
I am currently using this script to scan documents:
Code: Select all
# Hent dato
DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S)
# Scan
scanimage --format=png --mode 'True Gray' --resolution 400 > /media/Nextcloud/rene/files/Documents/Scan/scan-$DATE.png
# Optimer billede
mogrify -normalize -level 10%,90% -sharpen 0x1 /media/Nextcloud/rene/files/Documents/Scan/scan-$DATE.png
# Refresh Nextcloud
bash /home/rene/