I've been using ImageMagick with Inkscape on macOS Mojave without issues to convert SVG images to PNG. I'm using ImageMagick 7.0.7-27 and Inkscape 0.92.2. When converting, the output clearly shows that 'inkscape' is being used:
I tried to do the same on a machine with redhat 6.10 and installed both ImageMagick and Inkscape with 'yum install'. Versions: ImageMagick 6.7.2-7 2017-01-12 Q16 and Inkscape 0.47 r22583 (Mar 4 2015). But regardless of what I do, rsvg is used and not inkspace. RSVG doesn't convert my image properly (artifacts, letters are inverted etc). Using rsvg directly yields the same outcome so I suspect it's the culprit here.convert -verbose test.svg final.png
'inkscape' '/var/folders/6y/qdfvrmd53wg3yrpf61lrvf_80000gp/T/magick-57985Oy427_7nyVWr' --export-png='/var/folders/6y/qdfvrmd53wg3yrpf61lrvf_80000gp/T/magick-57985gzb9AKrfjVs2' --export-dpi='96,96' --export-background='rgb(100%,100%,100%)' --export-background-opacity='1' > '/var/folders/6y/qdfvrmd53wg3yrpf61lrvf_80000gp/T/magick-57985aVfkcTYVeRJT' 2>&1
/var/folders/6y/qdfvrmd53wg3yrpf61lrvf_80000gp/T/magick-57985gzb9AKrfjVs2 PNG 122x31 122x31+0+0 8-bit sRGB 3184B 0.010u 0:00.000
test.svg=>/var/folders/6y/qdfvrmd53wg3yrpf61lrvf_80000gp/T/magick-57985gzb9AKrfjVs2 PNG 122x31 122x31+0+0 8-bit sRGB 3184B 0.000u 0:00.009
test.svg=>final.png PNG 122x31 122x31+0+0 8-bit sRGB 2202B 0.000u 0:00.000
Output on redhat:
What do I need to do to have inkscape be used in redhat?convert -verbose file.svg file.png
file.svg SVG 122x31 122x31+0+0 16-bit DirectClass 3.13KB 0.000u 0:00.000
file.svg=>file.png SVG 122x31 122x31+0+0 16-bit DirectClass 0.000u 0:00.010
Since ImageMagick says:
"ImageMagick utilizes inkscape if its in your execution path otherwise RSVG. If neither are available, ImageMagick reverts to its internal SVG renderer. The default resolution is 96 DPI. Use -size command line option to specify the maximum width and height"
I tried adding the path of inkscape to the PATH and added and entry in delegates.xml for inkscape (I have this on the Mac version) to no avail.
Help much appreciated. Thx.