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How do I export PSD layers as a single PSD file?

Posted: 2019-05-12T11:42:26-07:00
by chico
Hello! My case is as follows:

I have a PSD with several layers, some of which are inside groups (probably nested inside other groups). I'd like to export multiple layers of my choice into a single PSD while retaining the information of said layers (name, transparency, alpha masks, etc.)

Is this possible? I couldn't find this anywhere on the forum or on the internet.
I think I got it yesterday after trying multiple times, but now I can't do it anymore it seems. I'm on Windows btw.


IM Version: 7.0.8-24 Q16 x64 2019-01-17
Platform: Windows 7 x64

Source PSD (test file):

Desired result (PSD file) ... t.psd?dl=0


Code: Select all

convert test.psd test2.psd ... 2.psd?dl=0
Folders and alpha masks are gone. Corruption in some of the layers' colours. All layers are transparency locked.


Code: Select all

convert test.psd[2] test.psd[3] test.psd[4] test3.psd ... 3.psd?dl=0
Folders and alpha masks are gone. Only two layers present. Layer 4* (1d) is not there? All layers have become empty and are in gray-scale. All layers are transparency locked. *Apparently, what matters is the order in which you created the layer, not the order in which you placed the layer.


Code: Select all

convert test.psd (-delete 5 -delete 1) test4.psd --> gives error in command line
convert test.psd -delete 5 -delete 1 test4.psd --> no error ... 4.psd?dl=0
Folders and alpha masks are gone. There are indeed two layers missing so I assume those were the ones deleted. Corruption in some of the layers' colours. All layers are transparency locked.


Code: Select all

convert test.psd psd:additional-info=all test5.psd --> unable to open image
convert test.psd:additional-info=all test5.psd -> unable to open image
convert test.psd -psd:additional-info=all test5.psd --> unrecognized option
convert test.psd -additional-info=all test5.psd --> unrecognized option
convert test.psd -define psd:additional-info=all test5.psd --> no error ... 5.psd?dl=0
Same as try (1) but this time layers are NOT transparency locked.


Code: Select all

convert testB.psd -delete 5 -delete 1 -define psd:additional-info=all testB2.psd
Tried deleting the folders from the source file. There is still corruption of colours.

Code: Select all

convert testB.psd -delete 5 -delete 1 -define psd:additional-info=all testB3.psd

Having the source file open seems to not have an effect at all.

Code: Select all

convert testC.psd -delete 5 -delete 1 -define psd:additional-info=all testC2.psd
Tried deleting the folders AND alpha masks from the source file. No corruption. Alpha masks might be to blame then.

Re: How do I export PSD layers as a single PSD file?

Posted: 2019-05-12T12:33:02-07:00
by fmw42
I am not sure you can do that with Imagemagick. It has limited PSD features. But see -define psd:additional-info=all|selective at ... php#define

Re: How do I export PSD layers as a single PSD file?

Posted: 2019-05-12T19:37:36-07:00
by chico
Tried it @fmw42 but no dice :(

Re: How do I export PSD layers as a single PSD file?

Posted: 2019-05-12T19:53:56-07:00
by fmw42
Post your input PSD file and your command line and version of Imagemagick and platform.

Re: How do I export PSD layers as a single PSD file?

Posted: 2019-05-12T20:19:40-07:00
by chico
Done that! (I edited my original post). Is this what you mean, right?
IM Version: 7.0.8-24 Q16 x64 2019-01-17
Platform: Windows 7 x64

Re: How do I export PSD layers as a single PSD file?

Posted: 2019-05-12T23:25:18-07:00
by fmw42
Testing on IM Q16, the following command does not work properly. One of the IM developers will need to look at this.

Code: Select all

convert test.psd -define psd:additional-info=all result.psd