We've encountered an error trying to run identify or convert on some DPX files.
Code: Select all
identify: ImproperImageHeader
' @ error/dpx.c/ReadDPXImage/744.
Code: Select all
if (dpx.file.industry_size > GetBlobSize(image))
The file is readable in older versions 7.0.2-6 to 7.0.6-9 though, but not in 7.0.8-47 or 7.0.8-50.
Converting the file (using older versions of convert or oiiotool) produces a file readable by the latest version.
Unfortunately I am not allowed to share the file in question. So my first question would be how I can share the relevant header?
Apologies for the lack of infos.
Any help would be appreciated so we don't get stuck on an old version.