Need help upgrading script
Posted: 2019-10-03T15:29:40-07:00
imagemagick version ImageMagick-7.0.8-67-Q16-x64
Windows 10.0.18362 (build 18362)
I'm currently working on bringing a script I wrote something like 10 years ago up to speed. Lets just say it's a bit of a mess so I'm hoping somebody has an idea on how to improve it.
The script is used to create index pages of a folder full of images that gets drag and dropped on the cmd file. While it still works, I want to improve it. One of the things that bugs me is that I would like each small picture to have just the name of the file under it without any extension. But I can't figure out how to do this.
Also, this one uses the old legacy apps and I would like to change that.
Here is my original script
I left out some bits which are just for different file counts... but you should be able to get the gist of it.
Windows 10.0.18362 (build 18362)
I'm currently working on bringing a script I wrote something like 10 years ago up to speed. Lets just say it's a bit of a mess so I'm hoping somebody has an idea on how to improve it.
The script is used to create index pages of a folder full of images that gets drag and dropped on the cmd file. While it still works, I want to improve it. One of the things that bugs me is that I would like each small picture to have just the name of the file under it without any extension. But I can't figure out how to do this.
Also, this one uses the old legacy apps and I would like to change that.
Here is my original script
Code: Select all
if "%~1" == "" goto error
rem Go to drag and drop folder
cd "%~1"
rem Get current dir name
for %%* in (.) do set CurrDirName=%%~n*
rem Count number of files in folder
for /f %%A in ('dir /a-d-s-h /b ^| find /v /c ""') do set cnt=%%A
echo File count = %cnt%
rem check if less or equal
if %cnt% leq 20 goto Small
rem check if less or equal
if %cnt% leq 30 goto Normal
rem check if greater than
if %cnt% geq 30 goto Big
echo small roll
Echo Creating thumbnails...
rem mogrify -format mpc -thumbnail 420 *.tif
mogrify -format mpc -thumbnail 620 *.jpg
Echo Creating index sheet...
montage -units PixelsPerInch -density 300 ^
-tile 4x5 -label %%f -font Arial -pointsize 6 -background "white" ^
-fill "black" -geometry 620x630+2+2 ^
-auto-orient *.mpc -title "%CurrDirName%" "##contact large.mpc"
convert "##contact large.mpc" -gravity north -background white -extent 2550x3300 "contact large.jpg"
goto end
echo Please drag and drop a folder on this script
echo Thank you
rem echo Cleaning up workplace...
del *.mpc
del *.cache