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Posted: 2006-04-22T12:58:25-07:00
by mlski
Morphing isn't hard - basically you start the same way you would with an animation of 2 frames - but instead of just going back & forth - you actually slow the morph into several frames between the 2 pics so that you have pics in the middle that fuse the 2 together.

(It helps to have your pictures already created in an animation (complete with your delay already set - but you can also set the delay at the end of the morph process as well)

Make sure you have the type of account where you can put a file into the URL line - not an inidividual pic (tripod won't access a file - so that's out)

Put your pics in a separate file - and enter the URL on the input page.

hit view & your pics will come up - just like they do in an animation.

now go the F/X tab at the top and choose 'morph'

Decide how many frames you want - you have 2 to start with & enter 2 in the line at the top of the box if you want a total of 4 frames - and then click on the effect button.

Your images will still be moving too fast - click output and single frame (not multi-frame) & scroll down - you'll see "delay" - 25 will put a 1/4 second delay between frames - the higher the number - the slower the progression between pictures. Leave loop at 0 - don't change anything but the delay - adjust that to the speed progression you want. If you want just 1 pic from the progression - double click on the single pic or the animation that you want and upload it.

You can either take the full animation as your graphic - or take a frame from the progression for a totally unique picture - like I have below.

Remeber - the more frames you have - the slower the morph progression will be - but it will also increase the size of your final animation.