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Posted: 2006-06-23T06:51:41-07:00
by glennrp
Open a target image the same dimensions as your source.

Scan the source looking for "5". Wherever you find one, draw
one in the target image. Repeat with "0".

By "looking for 5" I mean look for a rectangle in which every
black pixel of a small image of the "5" is matched by a black
pixel in the source.


Posted: 2006-06-26T20:29:29-07:00
by anthony
Glenn, that sounds like a very difficult method, though probably not imposible.

I mean 'fingerprinting' software does this sort of matching all the time by first finding 'key points, matching those up for rotations scales etc, then sees how well the rest of the image matches.

Do you have any references?

My problem is I want to reduce some 'cartoon' like images to line drawings using edge detection, then try to find other images that has simular line drawings. perhaps with
some rescaling and displacement.

EG: was this cartoon used as part of another image?