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Posted: 2006-06-28T23:14:01-07:00
by anthony
Because fc3 and fc4 are so far behind in the IM version numbers!!!

IM is added to the release but no update is ever provided by that system.
As such you should immediate update IM yourself.

Posted: 2006-06-29T05:17:52-07:00
by abhishekv1

You are trying to annotate on an image, right !! The convert command must be fetching the image from a location. Just check whether you are enclosing the image path within proper qoutes. This happened with me. Earlier, I was not using qoutes(single or double) to enclosing image file path. It use to work on IM 6.0.1. But when I upgraded to 6.2.7, the annotate was not working. I tried this and it worked. It may be that you are also having the same problem. Just check on that.


Posted: 2006-06-29T18:18:13-07:00
by anthony
This is getting off topic for IM, and more Web PHP problem.

As such, first of all.. Does convert work outside of PHP?
Can you get it to do what you want directly.

Next change what PHP is running. Can it find the command, can it find the images it needs. Remember web run applications can have a different environment with different current directory, library and command path settings.

Fianlly, What error meesages are bein produced? can your read the web server error and access logs? Ask your ISp about this, or run your own
local test server, where you do have error log access.

Posted: 2006-06-29T23:58:27-07:00
by abhishekv1
Just type
convert -list type
on the command line and it will list all the default fonts available with
your IM installation. From there you can use any font by just specifying the name and so full path required for seperate font is not required.
