Posted: 2006-07-17T17:52:01-07:00
Until we get a patch in the current ImageMagick release, use
- image->SigmoidalContrast( "3x50" );
Use instead.
it seems that currently neither this method, nor the parameters described in the PerlMagic documentation work as they should. At least for me, the following bit of codeUntil we get a patch in the current ImageMagick release, use
image->SigmoidalContrast( "3x50" );
Code: Select all
my $img = Image::Magick->new();
$img->Set(size => '160x120');
push(@$img, $img->[0]->Clone());
$img->[1]->SigmoidalContrast(contrast => 3, 'mid-point' => 10);
push(@$img, $img->[0]->Clone());
$img->[2]->SigmoidalContrast(contrast => 3, 'mid-point' => 90);
push(@$img, $img->[0]->Clone());
$img->[3]->SigmoidalContrast(contrast => 3, 'mid-point' => 0.1);
push(@$img, $img->[0]->Clone());
$img->[4]->SigmoidalContrast(contrast => 3, 'mid-point' => 0.9);
push(@$img, $img->[0]->Clone());
push(@$img, $img->[0]->Clone());
That works, thanks a lot!magick wrote:Use '3x50%' or use an absolute value that scales to the quantum-depth of your ImageMagick distribution. Most likely its Q16 so use 59000 instead of 90.