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Posted: 2006-07-31T19:17:17-07:00
by anthony
They probably meant /usr/bin/mogrify
Posted: 2006-07-31T20:44:03-07:00
by anthony
Also wget get is itself a command. However IM will call wget get if the image it has is a URL. Though "mogrify" would have trouble saving back to a URL
You may need some semi-colons between commands!
At the moment your first command make no sense, and I can't even tell what they are doing.
As for the second mogrify works on a EXISTING image. That is not the case here. Also the URL is not to a image, bt a HTML web page, IM will not reconise it.
try this...
Code: Select all
/usr/bin/convert IM_Examples_Logo.gif
That should work fine!
Posted: 2006-07-31T23:09:26-07:00
by anthony
IM can't directly convert HTML into a image. Unless it knows about some other program to do it, and that is what it is calling. Hmmm
Looking in /usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.2.8/config/delegates.xml
<delegate decode="htm" command='"html2ps" -U -o "%o" "%i"' />
<delegate decode="html" command='"html2ps" -U -o "%o" "%i"' />
This means that if html2ps is installed the it will convert the web page into an image (via Postscript).
An aturantive is to display the page in a firefox browser window (in a virtual X window display), then grab (import) the displayed window as an image. I saved a copy of a program that does this at.. ... t_webpages
I have to tried this, though I did look over the code, so no gurantees.
However I doubt that your web server provider would like you running this on their server, even if they provided all the required programs.