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Posted: 2006-08-30T16:39:34-07:00
by magick
To determine the Windows installed dependancies grab the Windows source distribution and take a look at the installer script in ImageMagick 6.2.9/VisualMagick/installer/inc. You can reduce dependancies by creating a static distribution. You do not need Window registry values if you create an "uninstalled" version of ImageMagick (the default). The uninstalled version requires one environment variable, the MAGICK_HOME environment variable. This is not even required if you put all the configuration files in the same folder as CORE_RL_magick_.dll. To test scenarios, type
  • convert -debug configure logo: logo.pnm
to track where ImageMagick is looking for its dependancies.

minimim and portable imagemagick for windows

Posted: 2006-11-17T13:22:05-07:00
by sap_14feb
I am using Jmagick for my application. since, Jmagick depends on core imagemagick dlls and core dlls seems to be using coders dlls and registry entry to serach methods. Is there any way I can make the jmagick + imagemagick portable and minimum package. so i can distribute it to the any server without registry entry and with minimum set of dlls?
