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Posted: 2006-11-05T12:16:35-07:00
by RetroJ
I want to separate and recombine an image via YUV colorspace. Separation, I have:

Code: Select all

convert cookie.jpg -colorspace yuv -separate cookie-yuv-%02d.png
Image => Image Image Image

Now how do I recombine? I tried the following, but it is obviously not right.

Code: Select all

convert cookie-yuv-00.png cookie-yuv-01.png cookie-yuv-02.png -colorspace yuv -combine cookie-recombined.png

Posted: 2006-11-05T21:14:31-07:00
by anthony
Sounds like something that still needs to be expanded on in IM.
prehaps you need to report this to the developers forum.