Affine matte stack
Posted: 2007-01-01T22:40:12-07:00
I don't know if this is a bug, an undesirable effect or an expected result. But I was surprised to find that under some conditions (which I have not pinned down), stacked (appended) images behave differently depending on the order of the images, even when of the same size, perhaps with some dependence on which has a matte channel. The following perl script illustrates it, the results being at the link below. ... ndtest.plx
Bug or feature? And bug or feature of what? (AffineTransform? Append?) And what happens when either of the two commented-out commands is included? What then makes it come out "right"?
While I'm at it, I am surprised at the way Border works on the stacked images, too.
This is 6.3.1-4 12/24/06 Q16
I hope everyone stayed home last night and got 'pixellated'.
Rick ... ndtest.plx
Code: Select all
#!/usr/bin/perl --
use Image::Magick;
$image1 = new Image::Magick;
$image1->Resize('50%'); #needn't be so big for this demo
$image1->Border(width=>4, height=>4, color=>'blue'); #shows up better
($w,$h) = $image1->Get('width', 'height');
$image2 = $image1->Clone(); # two identical images
$image1->AffineTransform(affine=>[1,1,-1,1,0,0]); # any affine matrix can be used here
$image1->Resize("$w x $h!"); # make both images the same size
#uncomment either of the two following and rerun for comparison
# $image2->Draw(primitive=>'line', stroke=>'black', points=>sprintf("0,0 %d,%d", $w-1,$h-1));
# $image2->Set(matte=>'true');
# Now make two stacked images, each stack having the two images in different orders
$image12 = $image1->Clone();
$image21 = $image2->Clone();
$image12->[1] = $image2;
$image21->[1] = $image1;
$image12 = $image12->Append(stack=>'false');
$image21 = $image21->Append(stack=>'false');
# the two images differ, but not in the way I'd have expected
$image12->Border(width=>4, height=>4, color=>'#eeccee'); #shows up better
$image21->Border(width=>4, height=>4, color=>'#eeccee'); #shows up better
While I'm at it, I am surprised at the way Border works on the stacked images, too.
This is 6.3.1-4 12/24/06 Q16
I hope everyone stayed home last night and got 'pixellated'.