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problem converting tiff into jpg - Urgent

Posted: 2007-01-07T22:06:52-07:00
by shakyamanoj
ImageMagick Version - 6.3.1
Operating System - Windows XP

I have some tiff files and I want to convert them into jpg files. Some files can be converted into jpg and some not. What might be the reason? Moreover, these tiff files are generated by scanning some papers. I am also suppose to use this feature of ImageMagick under Linux platform.

I would appreciate if anyone could help me out.

Thank you.

Manoj Shakya

Posted: 2007-01-09T18:10:37-07:00
by anthony
TIFF is a horrible format that 'evolved'.. It is the proprity controled by photoshop, so you could say it is the photoshop image format, like 'miff' is the Im specific format, and 'xcf' is the gimp specific format.

Basically try reading those images with photoshop. It is works, then Im should read it, if Im doesn't post an example (as a new subject) and what you did, and how it was produced.

If photoshop doesn't read it, it is likely a very very very bad TIFF.

My suggestion is avoid TIFF. or only output a TIFF using methods you have tested and know work. Too much software out there creates crap TIFFs that only that software understands.

For other notes I have saved on this format see.. ... mats/#tiff