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Bug in fill drawing primitive in 6.3.1

Posted: 2007-01-11T17:29:05-07:00
by rmagick
I'm running ImageMagick 6.3.1 01/06/07 Q16. Using the following command, Version 6.3.1 produces an incorrect image. Version 6.2.9 produces the expected result.

Code: Select all

convert -size 300x300 rvg_pattern.mvg test.gif

Version 6.3.1 produces this image:

Version 6.2.9 produces the expected image:

Here's rvg_pattern.svg image:

Code: Select all

push graphic-context
   push defs
      push clip-path -605383658
         push graphic-context
            path 'M0,0 l300,0 l0,300 l-300,0 l0,-300z'
         pop graphic-context
      pop clip-path
   pop defs
   clip-path -605383658
   push graphic-context
      fill "none"
      push defs
         push pattern -605489038 0.0 0.0 16.0 16.0
            push graphic-context
               push defs
                  push clip-path -605489038
                     push graphic-context
                        path 'M0,0 l16.0,0 l0,16.0 l-16.0,0 l0,-16.0z'
                     pop graphic-context
                  pop clip-path
               pop defs
               clip-path -605489038
               scale 0.32,0.32
               push graphic-context
                  fill "darkblue"
                  rectangle 0,0 50,50
               pop graphic-context
               push graphic-context
                  fill "yellow"
                  stroke "red"
                  polygon 0.0,0.0,25.0,50.0,50.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
               pop graphic-context
            pop graphic-context
         pop pattern
      pop defs
      stroke "-605489038"
      stroke-width 16.0
      ellipse 150,75 130,60 0,360
   pop graphic-context
   push graphic-context
      translate 0.0,150.0
      push graphic-context
         push defs
            push pattern -605491428 0.0 0.0 50.0 62.5
               push graphic-context
                  push defs
                     push clip-path -605491428
                        push graphic-context
                           path 'M0,0 l50.0,0 l0,62.5 l-50.0,0 l0,-62.5z'
                        pop graphic-context
                     pop clip-path
                  pop defs
                  clip-path -605491428
                  push graphic-context
                     image Over 0,0,50,62.5 'Flower_Hat.jpg'
                  pop graphic-context
               pop graphic-context
            pop pattern
         pop defs
         fill "-605491428"
         ellipse 150,75 130,60 0,360
      pop graphic-context
   pop graphic-context
   push graphic-context
      fill "none"
      stroke "blue"
      rectangle 0,0 299,299
   pop graphic-context
   push graphic-context
      line 1,150 299,150
   pop graphic-context
pop graphic-context
Here's the Flower_Hat.jpg image that is used in the rvg_pattern.svg file.

Please let me know if you need more information.

Posted: 2007-01-11T18:49:47-07:00
by magick
Standard problem-- we fix one bug and introduce another. Look for a fix to this problem with a day or two. Thanks.

Posted: 2007-01-11T20:14:15-07:00
by rmagick
You're welcome. Thanks for the quick response!