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Convert animated gif result in a large size

Posted: 2007-01-18T20:27:01-07:00
by howa
original size: 130x167

convert.exe original.gif -coalesce original-1.gif

convert.exe -geometry 100x167 original-1.gif output.gif

the image is smaller, but the size is larger, how to fix this?

Posted: 2007-01-18T23:33:39-07:00
by anthony
You can start by not using -geometry, but use -resize instead. and second, read you image BEFORE modifying them! :-)

Rezing animations is frught with problems, most of which is due to the color and transparency limitations of GIF. The result also often has optimization problems caused by this too.

The new -ordered-dither color reduction methods should help you fix some of these problems, but I have not organised these facts yet for IM Examples.