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Magick++ image::extent() - not working?

Posted: 2007-01-20T16:04:36-07:00
by Bunkai

could I kindly ask anybody, to confirm that Magick++ image::extent() method really increases the canvas(image) size?

In my case I saw no result after applying the same widh of geometry as the image widht is, and I applied various sizes to geometry geight. But still, I received absolutely no results.

image::extent() was introduced with Image Magick 6.3.2, that is already in its final release configuration.

Thank you,
with regards,

Posted: 2007-01-20T19:47:20-07:00
by magick
The problem you reported is fixed in ImageMagick 6.2.0-1 Beta available at sometime tommorrow.

Posted: 2007-01-21T01:23:03-07:00
by Bunkai
Thank you very much,

however, is it possible that I am doing something wrong? Magick++ Image::Resize() did not do any results as well. This is what I do.

// Image::Resize() example
Magick::Image imageMyImage;"F-16.jpg");
Magick::Geometry geometryExtend(1024, 2000, 0, 0);

// Image::Extent() example
Magick::Image imageMyImage;"F-16.jpg");
Magick::Geometry geometryExtend(1024, 2000, 0, 0);

F-16.jpg is a standard .JPG picture of 1024x768 resolution. In both cases the image that was written back to HDD was of the same resolution.

Thank you and with regards,