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Need help with montage

Posted: 2007-02-04T14:12:17-07:00
by sbennettim

I am trying to use montage to join 7 images in a row.
Seems simple enough eh?
The images are all the same height but they are different widths.
The problem is everytime I try they don't meet each other. There is space in between.
I tried using geometry options to correct this but when I get them to meet
correctly then the heights are off.
Maybe montage is the wrong way to do it.
How can I join images of the same height but different widths into a row
with no space in between?


Re: Need help with montage

Posted: 2007-02-04T14:16:54-07:00
by Bonzo
Try append:

Code: Select all

exec("/usr/local/bin/convert -background white -bordercolor black -border 1 -gravity Center R.gif u.gif b.gif b.gif l.gif e.gif w.gif e.gif b.gif s.gif +append textbw.gif");
This will put the images in a row

Code: Select all

exec("/usr/local/bin/convert -background white -bordercolor black -border 1 -gravity Center R.gif u.gif b.gif bb.gif l.gif e.gif w.gif e.gif b.gif s.gif -append textbw.gif");
This will put the images in a column.

The output of this is half way down this page:

There are also some examples of this here: but I can not remember which page.

Re: Need help with montage

Posted: 2007-02-04T16:08:01-07:00
by sbennettim
Thanks a bunch. Just what I was looking for.
Now I have a set of images I created using append.
How do I take that set and create an animation?

I assume any animation made with imageMagick will be a gif?

Here's a javascript version of what I want to animate. (in case you're curious)


Re: Need help with montage

Posted: 2007-02-05T11:34:59-07:00
by Bonzo
I have not worked with animations much but I have some examples on my site:

There are also examples on Anthony's site : you will need to find the correct page.