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PHP 5.2.1 & MagickWand for PHP - make error

Posted: 2007-02-23T04:26:38-07:00
by squig

I tried to install Magickwand as an shared extension for PHP 5.2.1 using a fresh ImageMagick 6.3.2.
Also I want to avoid to compile PHP new, I just want to compile the extension and copy the resulting ".so" - file into my PHP extension directory.

Code: Select all

$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
make ended with the following error message:
/home/molten/builds/MagickWandForPHP-1.0.0/magickwand.c:896: error: 'zif_magickgetimageproperty' undeclared here (not in a function)
/home/molten/builds/MagickWandForPHP-1.0.0/magickwand.c:1076: error: 'zif_magicksetimageproperty' undeclared here (not in a function)
make: *** [magickwand.lo] Fehler 1

Can someone please point me into right direction?

Thank you.

With kind regards


Re: PHP 5.2.1 & MagickWand for PHP - make error

Posted: 2007-02-23T08:31:17-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem and will have a fix by tommorrow. Thanks.

Re: PHP 5.2.1 & MagickWand for PHP - make error

Posted: 2007-02-23T09:55:30-07:00
by squig
Thank you :)

Re: PHP 5.2.1 & MagickWand for PHP - make error

Posted: 2007-02-24T05:03:15-07:00
by squig

I just downloaded Version 1.0.1 of Magickwand and it compiled without any problems :)

Thank you for fixing this bug so fast.

With kind regards
