Stack overflow error when loading CORE_DB_magick_.dll
Posted: 2007-02-27T10:56:25-07:00
I compiled release 6.3.2-9 using VS 2005. The compilation was successful; however, when I register my COM object which is linked to CORE_DB_magick_.dll, regsvr32 fails with the following error message:
LoadLibrary("E:\p4\LEA\Main\Win\RAS\Bin\debug\ImageServer.dll") failed - Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed.
I was able to capture the call stack when the exception occurs (see below), but I can't for the life of me figure out what the problem is. If you have any ideas or debugging suggestions, please let me know.
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!_chkstk() Line 99 Asm
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01080760, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01080548, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01080338, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01080128, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091f18, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091d00, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091ae0, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x010918b0, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091688, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091468, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091248, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x010950d8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01095218, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01090f20, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x0108cc58, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x0108cad8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x0108c8e8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000003, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 810 + 0x1c bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x0108c7e8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000002, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 810 + 0x1c bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x010771f0, const unsigned long depth=0x00000002, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x00fa82a8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000002, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x00fa81a8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000001, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 810 + 0x1c bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x0103bef8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000000, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 810 + 0x1c bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!LoadLocaleList(const char * xml=0x01055200, const char * filename=0x00071df8, const char * locale=0x00fa3428, const unsigned long depth=0x00000001, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 898 + 0x17 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!LoadLocaleList(char * xml=0x01055200, const char * filename=0x01043028, const char * locale=0x00fa3428, const unsigned long depth=0x00000000, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 884 + 0x22 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!LoadLocaleLists(const char * filename=0x00bca7d8, const char * locale=0x00fa3428, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 953 + 0x29 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!InitializeLocaleList(_ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 606 + 0x12 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetLocaleInfo_(const char * tag=0x00072eb4, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 191 + 0x9 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetLocaleMessage(const char * tag=0x00073ed8) Line 435 + 0x13 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetLocaleExceptionMessage(ExceptionType severity=ConfigureWarning, const char * tag=0x00bcca30) Line 561 + 0xc bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!ThrowMagickExceptionList(_ExceptionInfo * exception=0x0007a04c, const char * module=0x00bcc950, const char * function=0x00bccad8, const unsigned long line=0x00000335, ExceptionType severity=ConfigureWarning, const char * tag=0x00bcca30, const char * format=0x00bb1be0, char * operands=0x00075f68) Line 952 + 0xd bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!ThrowMagickException(_ExceptionInfo * exception=0x0007a04c, const char * module=0x00bcc950, const char * function=0x00bccad8, const unsigned long line=0x00000335, ExceptionType severity=ConfigureWarning, const char * tag=0x00bcca30, const char * format=0x00bb1be0, ...) Line 982 + 0x25 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetMagickModulePath(const char * filename=0x00079010, MagickModuleType module_type=MagickCoderModule, char * path=0x00075ff8, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x0007a04c) Line 821 + 0x64 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!OpenModule(const char * module=0x0007b0b8, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x0007a04c) Line 1075 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetMagickInfo(const char * name=0x0007b0b8, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x0007a04c) Line 506 + 0xd bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!IsMagickConflict(const char * magick=0x0007b0b8) Line 1120 + 0xd bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetPathComponent(const char * path=0x0007d0f8, PathType type=TailPath, char * component=0x0007c0f0) Line 927 + 0xc bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!InitializeMagick(const char * path=0x00fa5f88) Line 923 + 0x15 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!DllMain(HINSTANCE__ * handle=0x00a50000, unsigned long reason=0x00000001, void * lpvReserved=0x00000000) Line 160 + 0x9 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!__DllMainCRTStartup(void * hDllHandle=0x00a50000, unsigned long dwReason=0x00000001, void * lpreserved=0x00000000) Line 495 + 0x11 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!_DllMainCRTStartup(void * hDllHandle=0x00a50000, unsigned long dwReason=0x00000001, void * lpreserved=0x00000000) Line 459 + 0x11 bytes C
I compiled release 6.3.2-9 using VS 2005. The compilation was successful; however, when I register my COM object which is linked to CORE_DB_magick_.dll, regsvr32 fails with the following error message:
LoadLibrary("E:\p4\LEA\Main\Win\RAS\Bin\debug\ImageServer.dll") failed - Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed.
I was able to capture the call stack when the exception occurs (see below), but I can't for the life of me figure out what the problem is. If you have any ideas or debugging suggestions, please let me know.
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!_chkstk() Line 99 Asm
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01080760, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01080548, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01080338, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01080128, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091f18, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091d00, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091ae0, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x010918b0, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091688, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091468, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01091248, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x010950d8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01095218, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x01090f20, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x0108cc58, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x0108cad8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000004, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x0108c8e8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000003, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 810 + 0x1c bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x0108c7e8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000002, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 810 + 0x1c bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x010771f0, const unsigned long depth=0x00000002, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x00fa82a8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000002, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 813 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x00fa81a8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000001, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 810 + 0x1c bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!TraverseLocaleMap(const char * filename=0x00071df8, _XMLTreeInfo * * nodes=0x0106f028, _XMLTreeInfo * node=0x0103bef8, const unsigned long depth=0x00000000, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 810 + 0x1c bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!LoadLocaleList(const char * xml=0x01055200, const char * filename=0x00071df8, const char * locale=0x00fa3428, const unsigned long depth=0x00000001, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 898 + 0x17 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!LoadLocaleList(char * xml=0x01055200, const char * filename=0x01043028, const char * locale=0x00fa3428, const unsigned long depth=0x00000000, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 884 + 0x22 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!LoadLocaleLists(const char * filename=0x00bca7d8, const char * locale=0x00fa3428, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 953 + 0x29 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!InitializeLocaleList(_ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 606 + 0x12 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetLocaleInfo_(const char * tag=0x00072eb4, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x00072e88) Line 191 + 0x9 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetLocaleMessage(const char * tag=0x00073ed8) Line 435 + 0x13 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetLocaleExceptionMessage(ExceptionType severity=ConfigureWarning, const char * tag=0x00bcca30) Line 561 + 0xc bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!ThrowMagickExceptionList(_ExceptionInfo * exception=0x0007a04c, const char * module=0x00bcc950, const char * function=0x00bccad8, const unsigned long line=0x00000335, ExceptionType severity=ConfigureWarning, const char * tag=0x00bcca30, const char * format=0x00bb1be0, char * operands=0x00075f68) Line 952 + 0xd bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!ThrowMagickException(_ExceptionInfo * exception=0x0007a04c, const char * module=0x00bcc950, const char * function=0x00bccad8, const unsigned long line=0x00000335, ExceptionType severity=ConfigureWarning, const char * tag=0x00bcca30, const char * format=0x00bb1be0, ...) Line 982 + 0x25 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetMagickModulePath(const char * filename=0x00079010, MagickModuleType module_type=MagickCoderModule, char * path=0x00075ff8, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x0007a04c) Line 821 + 0x64 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!OpenModule(const char * module=0x0007b0b8, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x0007a04c) Line 1075 + 0x19 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetMagickInfo(const char * name=0x0007b0b8, _ExceptionInfo * exception=0x0007a04c) Line 506 + 0xd bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!IsMagickConflict(const char * magick=0x0007b0b8) Line 1120 + 0xd bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!GetPathComponent(const char * path=0x0007d0f8, PathType type=TailPath, char * component=0x0007c0f0) Line 927 + 0xc bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!InitializeMagick(const char * path=0x00fa5f88) Line 923 + 0x15 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!DllMain(HINSTANCE__ * handle=0x00a50000, unsigned long reason=0x00000001, void * lpvReserved=0x00000000) Line 160 + 0x9 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!__DllMainCRTStartup(void * hDllHandle=0x00a50000, unsigned long dwReason=0x00000001, void * lpreserved=0x00000000) Line 495 + 0x11 bytes C
CORE_DB_magick_.dll!_DllMainCRTStartup(void * hDllHandle=0x00a50000, unsigned long dwReason=0x00000001, void * lpreserved=0x00000000) Line 459 + 0x11 bytes C