Return codes in shell/php
Posted: 2007-03-02T12:50:17-07:00
I know this is not really an ImageMagick problem but I have started looking at the "return code" from the code.
Is there a list anywhere telling you what they mean ? Or do they not tell you anything useful apart from 0 succesful and everything else fail ?
Is there a list anywhere telling you what they mean ? Or do they not tell you anything useful apart from 0 succesful and everything else fail ?
Code: Select all
exec("/usr/local/bin/convert /( bluetest.jpg -blend 88 -gravity northeast header.jpg -matte -composite /) -resize 600x -crop 600x127+0+10 temp1.jpg", $output, $return);
// Returns 2 - A fail
exec("/usr/local/bin/convert -size 640x480 temp.jpg -resize 600x -crop 600x127+0+10 new_header.jpg", $output, $return);
// Returns 1 - Another fail ( I know in this case the temp.jpg image does not exist )
exec("/usr/local/bin/convert -size 640x480 header.jpg -resize 600x -crop 600x127+0+10 new_header.jpg", $output, $return);
// Returns 0 - Succesful image generation