Anthony, thanks much for the reply. I don't have fonts available for down load. All the fonts on the site are downloads from free sites. I was thinking there are so many superb free font sites I wouldn't add much value by doing it again myself. If there are certain ones you want (or all of them) I'll be happy to send them to you.
It was just in the last few days I got the pushpin effect thing going. That red pushpin is the only clipart on the site other than the dingbat fonts. Other cliparts can be added and I have a way to refer to them within the effect script using the word "imgpath" I just haven't had a chance to do any more yet.
The flow of the site is like this ...
The basic font image is generated by PHP/GD rather than ImageMagick using the Font Image generator library offered by Matsuda Shota ( The initial font image is stored in a folder. There are various AJAX calls and iFRAMES used to avoid having to refresh the screen all the time. The IM version is 6.2.8 and I'm on a shared webhost so I have no control over the server, IM, or PHP install.
When an ImageMagick effect is applied, it always starts with the current image on the screen. Some of the effects start with a +delete command to get rid of it. The effects that appear on the fx menu are simple ones that work with most any input image. Other effects that need to be modified for the image they work on are listed in the forum connected to the site. That gives the author a chance to give instructions for use along with the script itself. Ones that have their own button (like rotate) are universal
The command line text is sent via AJAX to a PHP script which creates the proper command line string and sends it to IM via a shell command. IM gets the starting image from the folder, does its thing and sends the resulting image back to the image folder. A message is sent back to PHP which sends an AJAX message to the browser to update the image SRC on the visible screen. I can only handle the reurn of one image at a time in the script so if IM returns more than one, the operation fails.
You can use other image sources for the starting image. There is a feature that allows you to upload an image from a remote URL and another to upload from the local HD. On these, IM is used only to scale the image if required. Once the image is acquired, its handled the same way as a font image.
I just finished up the flood fill effect a couple of days ago (I'm still
that it works) and plan to devote most effort now to fully exploiting what can be done via fx and ImageMagick. Two months ago, I hadn't ever heard of ImageMagick so I'm learning as I go.
I have a million other questions but first I'll digest your initial feedback.
Some ImageMagick things I'd like to add..
Flood fill a pattern (pattern fill) - tried without success
direct import remote url images to IM - tried without success
vector and freehand bitmap drawing in the browser
speech/thought bubble with text already in place with proper scaling
wrinkled paper effect
rounded corners effect on transparent images