Converting jpg to CMYK EPS
Posted: 2007-03-20T07:54:40-07:00
i am trying to convert jpg images into CMYK eps files using profiles
but after conversion when view the properties of the eps image in imagemagick ,it still says the color space is RGB
this is how i am converting(i also need to change the dpi to 200 and resize it to a specific size)
Convert -resample 200x200 -density 200x200 -units PixelsPerInch -resize 300x200 -unsharp 0.5x0.5+3.0+0.02 -profile sRGB.icm -profile USWebCoatedSWOP.icc C:\img.jpg C:\img.eps
is there anything wrong with what i am doing
why is ImageMagick still shows the color space of eps is RGB
but after conversion when view the properties of the eps image in imagemagick ,it still says the color space is RGB
this is how i am converting(i also need to change the dpi to 200 and resize it to a specific size)
Convert -resample 200x200 -density 200x200 -units PixelsPerInch -resize 300x200 -unsharp 0.5x0.5+3.0+0.02 -profile sRGB.icm -profile USWebCoatedSWOP.icc C:\img.jpg C:\img.eps
is there anything wrong with what i am doing
why is ImageMagick still shows the color space of eps is RGB