Win32 : convert.exe exists without error on very large tiff

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Win32 : convert.exe exists without error on very large tiff

Post by Bingo »

Hi all !

I am trying to tile a very large TIFF file with convert.
The image is non-compressed TIFF file of ~9GB (67000x45000 pixels) generated by ghostscript.

My command is :

Code: Select all

convert.exe -compress lzw -limit memory 1400 -crop 1000x1000 largetiff.tif largetiff-%d.tif
The program returns instantly with no error, but no image has been created.
I tried to remove the "-compress lzw" and the "-limit memory 1400", but it did not help.

Is there some kind of file size or image dimension limitation ?

I forgot to mention : ImageMagick 6.3.1 Q8

Thanks a lot for your help !
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Re: Win32 : convert.exe exists without error on very large tiff

Post by magick »

If you can, upgrade to the latest release. Also, add -debug cache to your command line and rerun. See if it displays anything useful. If not, try -debug all and finally -debug trace. If you cannot determine the problem, post the last 50 lines of the trace here so we can take a look.
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