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convert/mogrify adding whitespace on some images

Posted: 2007-03-28T04:00:45-07:00
by rossriley
I'm having a bit of a problem when resizing images down using either convert or mogrify.

The images resize to the correct width/height but it seems some of the bottom of the image is being cropped and replaced with white space. The effect seems to be exaggerated at very small sizes, where sometimes around 10% of the image goes missing.

Does anybody know why this is happening and if there are any workarounds?

Thanks for your help...


Re: convert/mogrify adding whitespace on some images

Posted: 2007-03-28T05:10:52-07:00
by Bonzo
How about posting your code ?

Re: convert/mogrify adding whitespace on some images

Posted: 2007-03-28T05:12:43-07:00
by rossriley
just simple:
convert $source -thumbnail 80x80 $destination
convert $source -resize 50x50 $destination

Re: convert/mogrify adding whitespace on some images

Posted: 2007-03-28T16:13:37-07:00
by anthony
Your code is incomplete. What are the formats of $source and $destination?
Also check if the original image that has this problem view ok using "display".