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Errors Building Two Projects in Magick++_Demo.dsw with VS 6

Posted: 2007-06-06T15:59:43-07:00
by txwizard
I am investigating ImageMagick for a potential project, and I've run into a problem with two of the eight projects in the demo workspace, which are clearly intended for use with Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0. The errors occur in building projects piddle and shapes. The other six projects built without errors.

I began by installing ImageMagick-6.3.4-4-Q16-windows-dll.exe, and requesting the C++ build environment and PerlMagick to be installed, although I don't have an immediate need for the latter, although I have and regularly use Perl, and program in Perl.

Project piddle reported as follows in its output window.

Code: Select all

Magick lib DLL import interface
Magick module DLL export interface
MagickWand lib DLL import interface
MagickWand module DLL export interface
Magick++ lib DLL import
piddle.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) protected: struct std::list >::_Node * __thiscall std::list >::_Buynode(struct std::list >::_Node *,struct std::list >::_Node *)" (__imp_?_Buynode@?$list@VDrawable@Magick@@V?$allocator@VDrawable@Magick@@@std@@@std@@IAEPAU_Node@12@PAU312@0@Z)
piddle.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

piddle.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Project shapes reported as follows in its output window.

Code: Select all

Magick lib DLL import interface
Magick module DLL export interface
MagickWand lib DLL import interface
MagickWand module DLL export interface
Magick++ lib DLL import
shapes.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) protected: struct std::list >::_Node * __thiscall std::list >::_Buynode(struct std::list >::_Node *,struct std::list >::_Node *)" (__imp_?_Buynode@?$list@VDrawable@Magick@@V?$allocator@VDrawable@Magick@@@std@@@std@@IAEPAU_Node@12@PAU312@0@Z)
shapes.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) protected: struct std::list >::_Node * __thiscall std::list >::_Buynode(struct std::list >::_Node *,struct std::list >::_Node *)" (__imp_?_Buynode@?$list@VCoordinate@Magick@@V?$allocator@VCoordinate@Magick@@@std@@@std@@IAEPAU_Node@12@PAU312@0@Z)
shapes.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

shapes.exe - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)
I would like to have a nice, clean compile, link, and test of all eight projects before I commit to integrating IM into a project of my own.

I look forward to your constructive suggestions.
