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Gradient filled primitives

Posted: 2007-06-09T07:08:16-07:00
by mkoppanen
Is it possible to create primitives ( polygons, rectangles and so on ) with gradient fill using ImageMagick MagickWand C API ?

Mikko Koppanen

Re: Gradient filled primitives

Posted: 2007-06-09T07:13:47-07:00
by magick
We have the infastructure for gradient fills but have not completed the code yet. So the answer is no, MagickWand does not support gradient filled graphic primitives.

Re: Gradient filled primitives

Posted: 2007-06-09T07:15:30-07:00
by mkoppanen
So the support is planned then ? That sounds excellent!

Are you going to add support via existing API or add new functions for that ?

Mikko Koppanen

Re: Gradient filled primitives

Posted: 2007-06-09T08:18:03-07:00
by magick
No new API calls are required to support gradient fills. Its just a matter of finishing the code in the render engine.

Re: Gradient filled primitives

Posted: 2007-06-12T02:39:01-07:00
by mkoppanen
This is excellent news! In the current project I am using most of the functions in MagickWand api. The versions I am currently supporting ranges from 6.2.4 to the latest.

So my question is that do you have a list somewhere where i can see what functions / constants / features was added in which version? I haven't yet found such a thing.

Mikko Koppanen

Re: Gradient filled primitives

Posted: 2007-06-12T08:41:40-07:00
by magick
The ImageMagick source distribution includes a change-log for MagickWand as ImageMagick-6.3.4/wand/Changelog.

Re: Gradient filled primitives

Posted: 2007-12-11T06:26:00-07:00
by mkoppanen
Just pinging back on this topic. Any progress?

Re: Gradient filled primitives

Posted: 2007-12-11T07:22:09-07:00
by magick
None. Our "to-do" list has several hundred items, each which can take anywhere from an hour to a month to resolve. It may be some time before we complete gradient support.