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installation problem windows 2003 and php 5

Posted: 2007-06-21T11:26:09-07:00
by dive_surf
Please Help Me!

Windows Server 2003
PHP 5.2.2
ImageMagick 6.3.4-10 Q16 Windows Static - Installed to c:\ImageMagick

Gave IUSR account read/execute permissions on c:\ImageMagick
Gave IUSR account read/execute permissions to c:\php\cmd.exe (
I copied c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe to c:\php)

php script (resize.php)
$cmd = "mogrify -geometry 80x60 C:\Inetpub\intranet\photos\logo.jpg";

When the script is executed from the browser the image does not change size. If I call mogrify from the command line with the same parameters it resizes logo.jpg. If I call php from the command line to run resize.php it WILL resize logo.jpg

fyi - I do have php set to display errors and I am not getting any.

I have done many google searches for the past two days in attempts to find what I am missing to no avail.


Re: installation problem windows 2003 and php 5

Posted: 2007-06-21T13:22:56-07:00
by Bonzo
I do not know how it is working from the command line but as I see it you do not have an input image and -geometry is not for resizing. I do not Use mogrify so I can not be sure but try:

Code: Select all

$cmd = "mogrify input.jpg -resize 80x60 C:\Inetpub\intranet\photos\logo.jpg";

Re: installation problem windows 2003 and php 5

Posted: 2007-06-21T13:35:56-07:00
by dive_surf
The syntax for mogrify is correct, I just confirmed on the imagemagick website.

Re: installation problem windows 2003 and php 5

Posted: 2007-06-21T13:58:46-07:00
by Bonzo
OK but I think you still need -resize not -geometry.

Re: installation problem windows 2003 and php 5

Posted: 2007-06-22T07:27:56-07:00
by dive_surf
I changed my script to use the resize option rather than the geometry option. still no difference unfortunately.

$cmd = "mogrify -resize 80x60 C:\Inetpub\intranet\photos\logo.jpg";

I have a feeling its an issue between iis, php, and windows. I just dont know what I am missing. Has anyone else used this combination of software at these version levels?

Re: installation problem windows 2003 and php 5

Posted: 2007-06-22T12:34:16-07:00
by Bonzo
As you say both -resize and -geometry work - I would not have thought they would :shock:

Anyway using a relative path to the image with php5 on my XAMMP server will work so as you say it looks like something to do with windows?

Re: installation problem windows 2003 and php 5

Posted: 2007-06-22T13:17:41-07:00
by dive_surf
I am betting the problem is a windows permission issue but I have granted what I believe all the proper permissions. Is there anyone out there that can please help me?