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Colour problem

Posted: 2007-06-26T05:00:41-07:00
by emil
HI we use ImageMagick-6.3.2-Q16 to generate thumbnails for me in a web takes iehter a pfd file or a JPG file and generate the thumbnail

i use the folowing command line "-colorspace RGB -geometry"

the problem is that some times the imige is in the wrong almost just yellow or the blck will be yellow and stuff like that..

if i remove the RGB option the IMG file displays fine in windows but not in IE...any advice ?

Re: Colour problem

Posted: 2007-07-01T21:00:33-07:00
by anthony
Sounds like you image has some color profile that IE mis-uses.
See IM Examples
for more info.

Re: Colour problem

Posted: 2007-07-03T22:58:20-07:00
by emil
ok i sorted that out..but now i have an overprint there any way that imagemagick can handle PDF overprint problems

Re: Colour problem

Posted: 2007-07-04T18:45:00-07:00
by anthony
Not sure what you mean by 'overprint' but you may be better to start a new thread, os others will also have a look.