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Completely disabling certain delegates and image coders

Posted: 2007-07-13T03:29:45-07:00
by warp

I want to disable certain delegates and image coders in a web application - without modifying the server-wide installation of ImageMagick.

I've found the delegates.xml for editing the delegates and supplied my own using MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH. ImageMagick finds and loads my config file, but unfortunately, it seems it will afterwards also load the system wide delegates file. Is there a way to _truly_ override the delegates file? I do not want to add to the delegates, I want to remove delegates without editting the system delegates.xml (as it's supplied by the package management system and I'd rather use the standard packages)

Also, how can I disable certain built-in coders, so ImageMagick won't even try executing them? I found a magic.xml file which obviously maps certain magick cookies to file types - if I remove entries there, will the file types I remove there stop being decoded?

Re: Completely disabling certain delegates and image coders

Posted: 2007-07-13T06:20:59-07:00
by magick
Looks like you need to install your own instance of ImageMagick with the --disable-installed configure script command line. That gives you complete control over your instance of ImageMagick.