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Problem with shadow command

Posted: 2007-07-29T11:23:00-07:00
by paolo

I'm trying to use the basic shadow command found here:

After searching in older posts, I just added to that command "-matte" because I had a jpg

convert spiderman3.jpg -matte ^( +clone -background red -shadow 80x3+5+5 ^) +swap -background none -mosaic shadow1.png

but the result is only a thick border shifted by 5 and not blurry at all. I used red here to make it clear, I'd like to use gray or something (my background will be black, so it must be a light color).

This is the random image I'm playing with. I'd like to use this shadow command independently from the picture

Thanks for your help!

Re: Problem with shadow command

Posted: 2007-08-01T12:39:11-07:00
by Bonzo
The code below worked for me:

Code: Select all

exec("convert boots_layer_2.png -background black -shadow 80x3+5+5 final.png "); 
exec("convert final.png boots_layer_2.png -composite shadow_test.png"); 