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ImagMagick 6.3.5 on Windows and SVG

Posted: 2007-08-07T03:25:13-07:00
by benzman

I think there's a problem with the SVG "rotate()"-transformation in ImageMagick 6.3.5 on Windows.
When using (for example) transform="rotate(45 100 100)", the element should be rotated by 45 degree around the point at x=100, y=100. On my linux machine (Gentoo Linux) with ImageMagick 6.3.4 it works perfectly, but on my windows machine (Windows XP Professional) with ImageMagick 6.3.5 it doesn't work correctly. It seems, that it is moved by the given x- and y-coordinates and then rotated around the origin.

Here the original SVG:
Here the PNG converted on Linux (how it should be):
Here the PNG converted on Windows (how it should NOT be):